Hi, I'm Billy. Welcome to my blog about programming, books, musings, etc.
Recurser W1 '18. Former engineer at Amazon.
Reach me at: [email protected]
Seemingly magic constants exist in surprising places in software. I remember discussing magic constants at the Recurse Center, giving the…
As a kid, a classmate told me, “Jewish and Asian? You’re like a combination of the most hated races.” I still remember the shame, guilt, and…
I recently read Superforecasting by Philip E. Tetlock and Dan Gardner. Would I recommend reading this to an alternate universe self that…
For those following along at home, a delicious link (yes, it is a dirty affliate link like all other book review blogs): Would I…
I recently finished working through the exercises in SICP . As many before me have written , the book contains many excellent insights…
My name is Billy, and I recently finished a batch at the Recurse Center. I could claim that this blog exists for a number of reasons: To…